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411 University St, Seattle

Hurungwe Rural District Council

Hurungwe District is situated in the north-western part of Zimbabwe and is one of the six districts that make up Mashonaland West, that is, Makonde district to the South and Guruve district. Mashonaland Central to the north. It is the largest district in Mashonaland West, with a total area of 19 678.34 square km. The district is also one of the countryโ€™s biggest game reserves. Zambezi Valley conservation area.

Ask Anything!

It’s our pleasure to have a chance to cooperate.

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Hurungwe RDC

Service Charter


To become a district which can economically empower, develop and sustain a better quality of life for everyone in the district

Core Values

1. Transparency
2. Accountability
3. Team Spirit
4. Innovation
5. Community Participation
6. Professionalism
7. Client Orientation

Our Mission

To provide efficient, high quality services to the community in a transparent and accountable manner and promote development in the district through sustainable utilisation of available resources and co-operation among stakeholders.

Our Service Commitments

1. To provide a high quality, efficient customer friendly service
2. To attend to visitors within three minutes of arrival at reception
3. To answer the phone within three rings
4. To respond to all faxes and emails within two days of receipt
5. To respond to public queries within five working days
6. To pay all suppliers of goods and services within 30 days of supply
7. To disseminate important information on social services within two days

Meet the Team

Felistus Muteta
Chamunorwa Mafuma
Admin and HR Manager


Finished & Supported


Our Population (2016 update)


Awards Received


Ready to Get Started?

Please, fulfill the form to get a consultation. After processing the data, a personal manager will contact you.