Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


In order to participate in a Government Tender, Bidders are expected to submit/meet the following General Conditions in terms of the the Procurement Act and Regulations

  1. Company Profile
  2. Certificate of Incorporation
  3. Registration with Revenue Authourity
  4. Certified Financial Statements
  5. At least three (3) copies of the tender documents, with original clearly marked, Bound & Sealed
  6. Personnel and Equipment capabilities
  7. Litigation history with no conviction history
  8. Performance Bond when one has won the tender and is normally 10% of the tender sum.
  9. VAT registration certificate.

  10. CR 14 and CR06 forms.

  11. NSSA Registration.

  12. Valid Tax clearance certificate.

  13. Valid PRAZ registration certificate in respective category

Please note that the Requests are arranged such that the newest appears first. We look forward to working with you

Below is a list of all the requests for tenders available click on the file to download