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411 University St, Seattle

Some of the development Indicators

Education Information

  • 169 primary schools
  • 100 secondary school
  • 20 high schools
  • 2 vocational training centres
  • 170 creches
  • 169 ECD classes

Challenges on Education

  1. Inadequate infrastructure (Classroom Blocks, Learning aides, Toilets, furniture)
  2. Long distance to schools in some wards especially new resettlement areas
  3. Failure to pay school fees
  4. High number of school drop out

Health Facilities in Hurungwe


Prevalence of malnutrition

According to the results of the ZIMVAC 2016 report, the Global Acute Malnutrition is at 3%, prevalence of severe malnutrition is at 1% and the prevalence of stunting is at 29%.

Prevalence of HIV/AIDS

HIV prevalence in the district is at 15%. New infection incident per annum is 1409 adults, 256 children cumulating to 1665.

Number of people in need for ART is 32 216.

Number of people HIV positive according to 2014 estimatesย  35 818 adults, 3844 children cumulating to 39 662

25 806 people on ART in the District comprised of 23 991 adults (9507 males and 14 484 females) and 2069 children (956 males and 1113 females)